

What makes the outer planets different from inner plants?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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outer=non terrestrial

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Q: What makes the outer planets different from inner plants?
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What makes the inner planets different from the outer planets?

The inner planets are small and rocky, the outer planets are much larger and have no solid surface, they are called the gas giants.

What make earth different from the other inner planets?

it makes it different becuz it is the only planet which has life!

What makes the outer planets divided?

The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) is divided from the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) by the asteroid belt.

Is mars a inner planet?

Mars is an inner planet. The are 3 others: Mercury, Earth, and Venus. the outer planets and Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. all of the outer planets and farthest from the sun and all have a ring around them.

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What makes Pluto different from the planets?

It's smaller and colder

Is there anything that makes Venus different from the other planets?

It rotates backwards.

What Makes Pluto Different From The Other Planets?

It's smaller and colder

What makes earth different from the inner planet?

It has a magnetosphere, water and life.

What makes the inner terrestrial planets unique?

The inner terrestrial planets, including Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are unique in several ways. They are closer to the Sun and have shorter orbital periods compared to the outer planets. They also have solid, rocky surfaces and higher densities. Additionally, the inner terrestrial planets have thinner atmospheres, with Mars having a very thin and mostly carbon dioxide atmosphere, while Earth has a thick atmosphere that supports life.

What do green plants have that other plants do not?

green plants have chlorophyll and that's what makes them different

What makes up the surface of the outer planets?

The outer planets don't really have a well defined surface like the inner planets. They are made mainly of gas, which gets thicker and thicker towards the centre. The pressures eventually get so immense that the gas is compressed into a liquid state, or solid state further in still, yet these boundaries are not well defined as with the surface of the inner rocky planets.