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Q: What makes the work of Rene magritte unique?
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What media and material did Rene magritte use in his work?

Rene Magritte used canvas, oil paints, pastels, and he used media.

What movement from art history is Rene Magritte's work normally classified?

Magritte was a surrealist.

What did Rene Magritte work with?

Primarily oil paints.

Where did Rene Magritte work?

Mainly in Brussels and a period in Paris.

Where can you see Rene Magritte's work?

In most museums which exhibit modern art. In Brussels there is a René Magritte museum.

What medium did Rene Magritte use for his art work?

oil on canvas :)

What technique did Rene Magritte use for his art work The Son of Man?

Oil on canvas.

Why did Rene Magritte send his work to be exhibited in New York?

To find new customers.

For what type of work is Rene Magritte best known?

Rene Magritte was famous for his surrealist art. He generally created artwork that was thought provoking and had an element of wit about it. The Son of Man is probably his most well known piece.

What art movements did Rene Magritte's art influence?

Hiss surrealistic work influenced other surrealists.

What is Rene magritte's use of media?

Magritte used normal, everyday items in non-traditional ways. He used lithographs that were duplicated to create his artwork. Magritte's work was often simple, but raised questions about reality.

What is the meaning in Rene Magritte's paintings?

It is not possible to ascribe a precise meaning to a surrealistic work of art. Magritte even made it impossible by giving titles to his paintings, which are not related to the picture.