

What makes up sound waves?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What makes up sound waves?
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What allows sound waves to convert into mechanical waves that stimulate hairs in organ of corti?

It is the [constantly varying] Physical Energy that makes up and composes sound waves.

What makes a sound and how do you hear it?

sound waves, your eardrum picks up these vibrations and transforms them into messages which your brain recieves

The thing that makes a sound is called the what of the sound?

Sounds waves create sound.

Is collecting sound the same as captureing sound waves?

Sound waves are what make up sound (sound waves=sound) so I would suppose so.

What type of wave makes up sound waves?

longitudinal wave formed due to compressions and rarefractions of media through which sound is propogating

What kind of wave are sound waves?

Sound waves are longitudinal waves; they travel from side to side, not up and down like transverse waves.

What are sound waves made up?

pressure waves

How does tension affect a sound wave?

Tensionin a sound waves makes the sound harsher sound or softer sound

Sound waves are started by?

The source of energy for sound waves are vibrations.john vena

What sre sound waves?

Sound waves are longitudinal vibrations through matter that ears can pick up as sound.

Which kind of waves are sound waves?

compressional waves they swerve up and down

Loudness of a sound depends on?

The amplitude of the sound waves. (the distance it makes the particles move)