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Cheese and grapes are proven to make you have strange dreams

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Contrary to common superstition, no particular foods have been "proven" to cause strange dreams. Certain foods do cause indigestion for certain individuals, but these range from greasy Pizza to broccoli to beans to fruits. When indigestion or abdominal distress disturbs an individual's sleep, that person is more likely to awaken during the night and remember dreaming. If that same person slept through the night undisturbed, those middle of the night dreams would be forgotten.

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12y ago
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11y ago

You are probably stressed, or maybe you should stop watching scary movies before you go to sleep.

Weird dreams can be caused by any number of factors, but the most common are alcohol, caffeine, and various sorts of drugs. Anything that tends to disturb your sleep will also cause you to remember more dreams, more vividly. Alcohol makes some people sleepy, but it is not a deep or restful sleep. In fact, alcohol can cause you to awaken every few hours and consequently, remember more dreams.
> Caffeine can not only cause insomnia, but cause restless, shallow sleep. Popular energy drinks as well as many sodas contain more caffeine than is generally known.
> Both Over-The-Counter and prescription drugs can disturb sleep and/or cause vivid dreams, and different individuals react differently to different medications. Your pharmacist is your best source of information about the possible affects of your prescriptions and OTC remedies.
> Street drugs are completely unpredictable, and insanely weird dreams are minor compared to other possible side affects.
> Note: weird dreams are NOT caused by cheese, pizza or any other particular foods eaten late at night. But indigestion and gas pains can disturb your sleep which, in turn, can cause you to remember more dreams more vividly.

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13y ago

Dreams arise from the subconscious mind, which makes them seem "weird" to the dreamer's conscious, waking mind. Dreams work through symbols and metaphors, which are figurative, rather than logical, also "weird" in contrast to rational thought.

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14y ago

You can get weird dreams if you eat weird or rich foods before bed.

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13y ago

when you go to sleep your mind does not sleep.... the sub-concious mind will be active which will make you dream ......

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13y ago

The reason you are getting strange dreams is because your mattress is the wrong way round. I have also experienced this and once I turned my mattress round the strange dreams disappeared.

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Nothing really just a funny dream I guess! I've had alot of strange and weird dreams dont be worried everybody dreams about something strange to sometime in their life :)

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its not like oh im pregnant my dreams are going to change as you body may do but some women do have strange vivid dreams related to your spiralling hormones. but to answer your question yes your dreams can change.

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What us causing the strange dreams i have been having?

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