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In "Lord of the Flies," the boys exhibit malicious attitudes such as bullying, manipulation, and aggression. They use fear and power dynamics to control each other, leading to conflicts and violence among the group. This behavior highlights the darker aspects of human nature when stripped of societal norms and structures.

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Q: What malicious attitudes are seen in the boys behavior toward each other so far lord of the flies?
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Johnny and Henry show signs of dominating personalities in "Lord of the Flies" by exhibiting possessive behavior toward their territory on the beach and asserting control over the fire. They also display a tendency to intimidate the other boys through their actions and demeanor, showcasing a desire for power and influence within the group.

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The father of flies is considered to be Jean-Henri Fabre, a French entomologist known for his extensive research on insect behavior, including flies. He is highly regarded for his detailed observations and writings on the lives of various insect species.

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Flies and bees are most likely related because they fly. Spiders and ants may also be related because of their behavior.

What are some bad things that maurice did to you lord of the flies?

Maurice is not depicted as doing particularly malicious things in "Lord of the Flies." He mainly follows the lead of other characters, such as Jack and Roger, and participates in acts of violence and aggression. Maurice does display a tendency to give in to the darker impulses of the group, particularly when they are hunting or tormenting others.

Do flies exhibit homosexual behavior?

Yes, particularly the following species of flies and dragonflies:BlowflyBroadwinged DamselflyClub-tailed DragonflyCommon Skimmer DragonflyDragonflyFruit FlyHouse FlyNarrow-winged DamselflyPomace flyReindeer Warble FlyScrewworm FlySpreadwinged DamselflyStable FlyTsetse Fly

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Higher- due to the Doppler Effect