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There are too many to list. -All mice, rats, shrews, beavers and similar, all antelopes and similar, etc.

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Q: What mammals have waterproof fur?
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Is beaver fur waterproof?

yes it is waterproof. they coat their fur with castoreum to make it waterproof.

What body covering does a monotreme have?

Monotremes are terrestrial egg-laying mammals, and as such they have fur. The platypus's fur is thick, velvety and waterproof, while the echidna has thick fur, through which grows a defensive set of sharp quills.

Why do koalas have fur?

Koalas are mammals, and most mammals have skin, either with or without fur or hair. In the case of the koala, the fur has particular functions. The koala's fur helps to keep it cool in summer and warm in winter. Its outer layer is partially waterproof, so that when rains do come, the koala does not become saturated.

Is Sea Otter fur waterproof?

Yes they are

Why do placental mammals have fur?

Placental mammals do not all have fur. Maine mammals such as dolphins, whales and dugong do not have fur.

What is meant by the coverings of mammals?

Most mammals have fur or hair .

What is the body covering of a platypus?

Platypuses have two layers of fur, which is contrary to what some websites will report. The layer closest to their skin is woolly and helps insulate the platypus against the cold water in which they live in the southern states and alpine areas. The outer layer is waterproof.

Are fur seals mammals or fish?

Fur seals are mammals

Do beavers have waterproof fur?


Do placental mammals have fur?

Terrestrial placental mammals do have fur or hair. Marine placental mammals do not.

What type of external body covering do seals have?

Seals are mammals, and all mammals have a body covering of skin, hair or fur. Although the seal's hair may not be visible, it is still present.

Are penguins covered with waterproof fur?

No. Penguins are birds, they have feathers, not fur.