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These egg-laying mammals are known as monotremes. The group known as monotremes includes just the platypus and the echidna.

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Q: What mammals lay eggs and feed their young on milk from the mother's pores?
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What mammal lays eggs but nurses their young?

Both the platypus and the echidna are mammals which lay eggs. They are mammals because they nurse their young on mothers' milk. These species of egg-laying mammals are known as monotremes.

Is a pig born from their mother or from eggs?

Since pigs are mammals, they give birth to live young, so they are born from their mothers.

Do penguins lay eggs and are they mammals?

Penguins lay eggs, but they are not mammals. They are birds. The only two egg-laying mammals in existence are the platypusand the echidna, which are classed as monotremes.They are still classified as mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

What is and animal that gives birth to living young called?

live birth not eggs are mothers who are mammals

Do leopards have live young or do they lay eggs?

YES! They are mammals so of course

Why do platpuses lay eggs and are still mammals?

Platypuses and echidnas are the two egg-laying mammals. They are mammals because they have fur, are warm blooded air-breathing animals, and they feed their young on mothers' milk.

What make monotremes extraordinary creature?

Monotremes are extraordinary because they are egg-laying mammals, with the young suckling mothers' milk. Apart from echidnas and platypuses, no other mammals lay eggs.

What mammals don't lay eggs with shells?

There are two egg-laying mammals, and they both lay eggs with shells, but the shells are leathery, rather than hard shells, like birds' eggs. The platypus and the echidna are both egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. They are still classified as mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

Do animals lay eggs or have live young?

They give birth to live baby elephants, as they are mammals.

What are the only two marsupials that lay eggs?

Marsupials do not lay eggs. Only monotremes lay eggs.The platypus and the echidna are both egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. They are still classified as mammals because they feed their young on mothers' milk - a characteristic unique to mammals alone.

Is a myna a mammal?

No. Mynas are not mammals - they are birds. The differences between birds and mammals are: Birds have feathers while mammals have fur, hair or skin Birds lay eggs whilst mammals (with the exception of the monotremes) bear live young Birds do not feed their young on mothers' milk like all mammals do

What is one mammal that lays eggs?

Both the echidna and the platypus are mammals that lay eggs. They are in a subclass of their own, the monotremes, which are the egg-laying mammals. In every other respect, they exhibit the characteristics of mammals, such as having fur, being warm-blooded vertebrates and feeding their young on mothers' milk.