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They can. Steve Irwin was killed when one stabbed him in the chest with the tail and it killed him.

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Q: What manta rays have in their tail that harm people?
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Do manta rays have a barb on the tail?

it grows 12 cm when its his/her birthday.

Is a manta ray's tail harmful?

Mant Rays don't have stingers so they are harmless to us humans.

Are manta rays afraid of sharks?

The normal manta ray is usually non-aggressive, but it is capable of defending itself with its dangerous tail. A manta ray may also ram its foe, although this clumsy attack is treated as a secondary attack.

I thought manta rays don't sting?

They don't. Although they have a barb near the base of their tail, it's small, dull, and non-venomous.

How do manta rays fight?

manta rays belong to the family of rays like sting ray.,they swim at a speed of 25mph and they swim this speed only in the shallow waters but if they go a bit deeper then they swim at a lower speed, like 18mph

Why do you die after touching a manta's tail?

To my knowledge, you would not die after touching a Manta ray's tail. They contain no barb, or poison.

Do manta rays have a stinger?

No they do not. Sting rays only have stingers. One thing about stingrays is their stinger looks like a big fingernail and comes off from it's tail. IT does grow back. If you get a chance to look at a ray up close then that is one way to tell them apart.

What is the difference between bat ray and manta ray?

Manta Rays grow to a much larger size than Stingrays, but I'd say the biggest difference is that Stingrays have a "stinger", a hard, thin rod-like appendage that lies in a groove in it's tail until it's frightened or threatened at which time it will will 'lift' it up, out and over it's back, and drive it into the flesh of it's perceived (or real) attacker and 'sting' it - it's very painful! Manta Rays have a similar tail to Stingrays, but over evolutionary-time, they've "lost" the 'stinger'. Stingrays are thought to be evolutionarily older than Mantas mainly because Mantas have evolved from being bottom filter-feeders into Open-Ocean filter-feeders while stingrays have remained bottom feeders. This is why, if you should go into the water where they are found (like off the coast of Australia), you will likely be warned to do the "Stingray Shuffle"....this frightens the rays away and helps you to avoid stepping on one - if you do, you most likely will be stung. It was once thought that there was only one "type" of Manta Ray. But, it has been discovered that there are actually two: - One is call the Giant Manta Ray and these Rays migrate around in the Ocean for long distances - The other, first discovered, smaller and thought to be "older' Mantas stay closer to the shore A believed to be newly discovered 'type' of Giant Ray is even larger than the other and have what some believe to be a vestigial stinger which can be seen on them as a small 'bump' at the base of the tail (vestigial = an evolutionarily 'withered', and basically useless to the 'modern' animal, body part - in humans, the appendix is thought to be vestigial) The discovery of the Giant Rays with this (thought by some) vestigial, "bump" now have people wondering - Which 'came first' - The smaller, more common Manta, or the Giant? Although Stingrays are more aggressive, by virtue of their "stinger", both are basically 'peaceful' creatures. There are other differences between the Manta and Stingray, but I believe what I've mentioned suffices as the "major" differences.

Where did the name stingray come from?

Because it is part of the ray family, it has a nasty barb on its tail that burys into the sea bed. If it attacks it stricks with its barb which would give a sting.

What happens to a Manta Ray when it loses its tail and stinger?

it can't do you any bad Well, Manta Rays don't sting. They are harmless. Stingrays are the dangerous ones. They don't aggressively attack humans. They are timid and curious creatures, but it is possible to get stung if you step on one. If they loose their barb, nothing happens. It just grows back.

What is the name of flat fish with whip like tail?

That is a ray. It could be a manta ray or a sting ray.

Do mantarays have a barb on tail?

No. The manta ray does not have a barb of any type. They have large eyes that are used for searching out for predators.