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the civil war

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Q: What marked the decline of the Democratic party until its resurgence in the 1930's?
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In the 1930s what was the only democratic nation in Europe?

it is France.

The party in power from the early 1930s until the late 1960s was this party?

democratic party

Which was a cause for the decline in the almost in the amount of currency in circulation during the early 1930s?

They took their money out of banks and his them at home

Which was a cause for the decline in the amount of currency in circulation during the early 1930s?

many withdrew their money and hid their savings at home

Who was Salazar?

salazar was a portuguese dictator in the 1920s to 1930s. he created the new state which was the substitutive system for the democratic system

What type of governments were practiced in the 1930s?

As is the case today, there were many different types of government in existence in the 1930s. Examples include democracies, republics, democratic republics, constitutional monarchies, traditional monarchies, and dictatorships.

How old is figurine marked Japan?

Antique figurines marked with Japan or Occupied Japan can be looked at by an antique appraiser to determine the age. The most collected figurines from Japan are from the 1930s and 1940s.

When was the Mauser Broomhandle Manufactured?

1896 to 1937. Some are marked 1940 - these were 1930s commercial M30 pistols taken into service by the Luftwaffe.

Why were the 1930s called the devil's decade?

It was a period of financial difficulty caused by the 1929 Wall Street Crash that led to a global depression. Britain had an economic decline

How much is your Silvestri Brothers Art Deco pair of lamps worth?

Art deco refers to a style that was common during the 1920s and 1930s, and has seen a resurgence in recent years. A pair of Silvestri Brothers lamps might fetch up to 250 dollars.

What factors led to the rise of dictators during the 1920s and 1930s?

because many countries such as germany,spain,and italy began to lost faith in democratic

Where did the language Yiddish start?

Yiddish developed in Central Europe by Jewish communities during the medieval period, combining elements of German dialects with Hebrew and Aramaic. It served as the common language for Ashkenazi Jews in various regions, including modern-day Germany, Poland, and Russia.