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Q: What material was used to make the first compass?
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What is the material to make a compass needle gold silver iron or copper?

Are you asking what material is a compass needle made from? It that is your question, you need to keep in mind that the material used must have magnetic properties. Research the Iron Triad from the Periodic Table.

What is the material used to make the ancient compass in ancient china?

Gold and metal but mostly metal because a astrolabe is made of gold.

What is a compass saw used for?

A compass saw is used to make curved cuts

Material used to build first submarine?

Wood was used to make the first submarine

When was the first compass built?

it was first used in 1345.

What material were used to make the first racket?

cow poo

Can you make a sentence with the word compass?

I used my compass to find my way out of the forest.

Where was the first compass used?

We are unsure. Since the people using the first compass didn't have a compass until that time, they didn't know where they were. After they had been using it a while and figured out where they were, they had moved and no longer knew where they were when they first used it.

What does a compass cutter do?

A compass cutter is a tool used to cut a circle out of different types of material, such as matte board for framing pictures, etc.

What characteristic of iron would make it a bad material for the housing around a compass?

It could not be used because it attracts magnets and a compass is a specialist form of magnet, utilising the magnetic properties of the earth to give a reading. Compass housings are invariably made of brass, aluminium or plastic.

Who used the first magnetic compass?


What Tool is used to make circle?

A compass