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Prosthesis are made from a variety of things such as wood, steel, leather, titanium, carbon fiber and plastic polymer. It depends on the individuals lifestyle as to what kind of prosthesis they will need.

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Q: What materials are commonly used for prosthetic limbs?
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Are artificial limbs for animals the same as for humans?

They are similar. Prosthetic limbs for both humans and animals are made of the same types of material and are used for similar reasons. However, the design of dog's prosthetic limb is very different from the design for a human's prosthetic limb. Also, prosthetic limbs for animals are much less common than they are for humans.

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How have prosthetic limbs been used to help animals?

Prosthetic limbs have not just helped people but they are very helpful for animals too. Animals without limbs have a hard time moving around, they actually have it worse then people because without one limb they can basically not move at all. Most animals will die if they do not have a limb because they can not hunt for food or if they are prey they can not get away. Prosthetic limbs help animals to do this stuff so they are not immobile or constantly dysfunctional

Were there artificial limbs in the Civil War?

There were definitely prosthetic limbs used in and after the Civil War. They were made of wood with leather and metal components, and some were even painted with flesh-colored paint. Some were designed by the amputees themselves.

Who developed special effects for 127 hours?

His name is Tony Gardner. The prosthetic limbs he makes are now actually being used in training doctors and surgeons too.

Why do scientist and doctors study the biomechanics of others in order to make prosthetics?

Biomechanics relates to the physics behind human movement. Essentially a prosthetic limb's job is to immitate that of a real one. To do this scientists and doctors have to study the "physics" (movement patterns, levers, forces etc) behind real limbs to simulate them with fake ones. Biomechanics can also be used to make prosthetic limbs that have different properties to that of normal limbs, take the 100m in the paralympics using physics carbon limbs can be made to increase the efficiency of running therefore taking more energy into the next stride of the race. --Artificial Limbs

What are the typical uses of plexiglass for consumer products?

Plexiglass is often used in medical equipment (for example, prosthetic limbs). It can be found in other household objects like frames for pictures and accessories used for beauty purposes and decoration.

What is a prosthetic used for?

A prosthetic may be used for a variety of different reasons. However the most common usage of a prosthetic is to replace a body part, such as an arm or leg, that is gone.

What is binding materials?

cements commonly used as binding material

What does math have to do with prosthetic legs?

Math has been used to calculate the stresses in the prosthetic and to dimension the construction.

What materials are used to make artificial limbs?

Artificial limbs must be light weight, so they are normally made of plastic. Sometimes they are made of titanium or aluminum, since both metals are light.