

What materials are good conductor?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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any substance which has free electrons for conductivity is a good conductor. Metals and most ionic compounds in solution form are good conductors.

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Q: What materials are good conductor?
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All of them. That's the definition of "conductor".

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all conductor of electricity are magnetic substance. if no,state your reason

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Nothing on the list below is not an example of a good conductor.

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outer electrons of the atoms in a metal are not anchored to the nuclei of particular atoms, but are free to roam in the material. such materials are good conductors.

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yes, in a word. It is just not as good of a conductor as other materials such as copper or gold, because it does not have the same atomic structure but it will still conduct electricity.

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yes all materials conduct electicity , but some are good conductor , some poor and some very poor

What is the ability called when heat or electricity passes through?

Conductor Some materials are conductors of Heat OR Electricity. But the property is not the same for one material; example glass is a good conductor of heat but a poor conductor of electricity.

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I am just wondering why nobody mentions about light as conductor of electricity?

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Iron is the best conductor. Metals in general are good conductors of heat because of their delocalised electron bonding.

Why diamond is a poor conductor of heat?

It's pure carbon. If molded glass or ceramic is a resistor , then diamond must be even more so, as it can withstand more heat and pressure than either one of those materials.