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Q: What materials are used to insulate homes?
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What materials can you use to insulate your homes?

Fibreglass,Batts,Expol,Foam & a whole lot more.

Why is double glazing used to insulate?

Double glazing is used to insulate homes because it traps the cold air inside the to glass windows

Are modern homes easier to insulate than older homes?

While new homes are easier to insulate, old homes are better insulted.

What materials are used in Italian homes?

Terra cotta and dry stone are two materials used in many Italian homes.

Why do people add insulators in their homes?

Because merely the materials that are used to build the house do not insulate The house,meaning they domt keep the house warm ; therefore insulation is put in the walls to keep warmth in the house

How did Indians insulate their homes?

Buffalo Skins

How does humidity or wetness affect a materials ability to insulate?

it affects the ability to insulate

When was insulation first used in homes?

1812 Mud or straw was used in some places and snow in some places and other such available things were used to insulate homes before history was first recorded.

What materials are use to built Chinese homes?

Whatever chines homes are, it can be assumed that the same materials are used that utilised elsewhere.

What materials used to make the Kwakiutl homes?


Why did the CA Indian groups use different materials to build there homes?

They used different materials to build there homes because ceartan groups lacked resources to build there homes

Why people insulate their homes?

keeps it cool in summer and warm in winter