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Q: What materials did the yokuts used to make there baskets?
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What materials were used to make the baskets?


What materials were used to make baskets?


Where do yokuts travel?

The Yokuts used beads as money to trade with other California Indian tribes. They also traded animal skins and baskets. They traveled by foot, raft, or boat to reach these other tribes.

What materials are used to make desk lamps?

wood, glass, baskets and metal are just a few

What tools do yokuts use?

Some tools used by the Yokut people include knives, scrapers, and arrows. They also used bows, and made baskets to catch fish.

How did colonists make baskets?

Colonists made baskets be weaving grasses or straw into round basket shapes. The materials had to be soaked first, usually overnight, so that it could be worked with. When the baskets dried, they held their shape and could be used.

The Egyiptians used papyrus to make What baskets rope boats sandals?


How much do shopping baskets cost supermarkets?

Shopping baskets used in supermarkets cost in the region of $70 to $100 depending on materials used and cost of delivery. More and more supermarkets are now opting for the cheaper plastic baskets.

What material were used to make the Chumash baskets?

they they were made with hats,trays,bowls of many sizes and treasure baskets

What is the yokuts shelter made of?

Improved answer. Yokuts used Tule grass to weave their huts. wood and specile kind of grass .

What jewelry did the yokuts wear?

The Yokuts, a Native American tribe from California, traditionally wore a variety of jewelry, including necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. These adornments were made from materials such as shells, beads, feathers, and animal bones. They used natural materials found in their environment to create decorative pieces that were culturally significant and reflected their artistic traditions.

What do they make with papyrus?

papyrus is used to make baskets, boats, sandels, and paper.