

What materials is Apollo 11 made of?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What materials is Apollo 11 made of?
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What was the Apollo 11 rocket made of?

The Apollo 11 rocket was made of poo

Is Apollo 11 a man made satellite?

yes apollo 11 is a man made or artificial satellite.

Who made Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was a venture by the United States government. Under the auspices of NASA, the Apollo program sent a total of 11 missions into space, six of which landed on the moon.

What year was Apollo 11 made?

Many years of engineering went into each mission,Apollo 11 landed on the moon July 20th 1969

What happened after Apollo 11 landed?

After Apollo 11 landed on the moon, after checking everything was alright , then Neil Armstrong made the first step by man on the moon.

What were the Apollo 11 astronaut responsibilities?

The only responsibility that the astronauts had that were on board the Apollo 11 was to perform a lunar landing and return to Earth. The astronauts were able to gather lunar materials and bring them back to Earth for exploration purposes.

What was the Apollo 11 mission called?

Apollo 11

Is Apollo 11 haunted?

No Apollo 11 was not haunted.

Why was Apollo 11 called Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.

What was the Apollo 11 shuttle called?

First of Apollo 11 was not a Shuttle craft, as it mot at all reusable. It is called the apollo 11 after the other Apollo starting with Apollo 7.

What cassette did Charles conrad take on Apollo 11?

Charles Conrad did not fly on Apollo 11. He commanded Apollo 12 and was known to listen to country music. Most of the astronauts had personal cassettes made from the musician of their choice.

What was Apollo 11's spaceship named?

Apollo 11