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Q: What materials were used to build The Great Exhibition?
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What was used to build the great exhibition?

Glass and steel

What materials were used to build the great wall?

Mostly mud brick and other earthen materials

What materials were used to build the Great Wall of China?

It is crenel stone.

When was the great exhibition set on fire?

The Great Exhibition 1951 was not set on fire. However, (after it was moved to another part of London) the Crystal Palace used to house the Great Exhibition did get destroyed by a fire in 1936.

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the materials used to build the truning torso are, medal frames . aluminum wood , glass and i dont know , just those ,,, ^^^

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The materials are the following:woodstonedirtgold

Where were the materials used to build the great wall of china found?

they werent found, they were bought and paid for. It wasnt a Scavenger hunt in search for materials to build a relatively large wall, it was a process that took time.

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There are many different types of materials that can be used to build a birdcage including metal and wood.

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The material used to build it was wood

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Materials used to build igloos are brick shaped ices which holds the igloo's balance.

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why does the text provide so much detail about the materials used to build the temple