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ANS:Magnets repel those materials who have opposite polarity to the magnet's.If a material is charged negative then a positive poled magnet will repel it with an electromagnetic force.

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Q: What materials will magnets repell?
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How are magnets like relationships?

they either stick together or they repell eachother.

What object repell magnets?

magnets repel magnets. a north repels north, south repels south and north attracts south poles

What will happen if two magnets had the south side facing each other?

The two magnets would repell each other.

What happened when the two negatively charged balloons were brought together?

they repell each other like magnets

Are ferromagnetic materials weakly attracted to magnets?

No, ferromagnetic materials are strongly attracted to magnets. Ferrimagnetic materials are weakly attracted to magnets.

What might happen if two magnets came close to each other?

They would either come togrther or repell apart

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What are the 4 magnetic materials?

the 4 magnetic materials are iron, steel, copper and nickel

How do you build a electromagnet?

im in South Africa trying to make an electromagnetic trian through using magnets from car speakers and trying to them repell

How do you build a electromagnetic train?

im in south Africa trying to make an electromagnetic trian through using magnets from car speakers and trying to them repell

What is a magnet made from a material that easily losses its magnetism?

Magentic materials are mainly of three types. 1) Diamagnetic materials 2) Paramagnetic materials 3) Ferromagnetic materials Diamagnetic meterials are those that do not have megnetic property. Para magnets can be used as temporary magnets Ferro magnetic materials are tose which are permanent magnets. The magnets made from magnets that easily lose their magnetis catue are paramagnets.

Do magnets attract and repell in outer space?

Yes! It should. Since the magnets, irrespective of external magnetic fields, have their own magnetic field. Vacuum or Air pressure, quality, etc also don't effect the magnetic fields of magnets. Hence, depending on Negative or Positive side of the magnets, when brought together, it will attract or repel accordingly!!