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That can be from anything that increases the pressure in the brain such as swelling, bleeding or masses and is called herniation.

It can be from a birth defect known as a Chiari malformation.

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13y ago

The wedging of medulla oblongata into the foramen magnung is termed "incarceration".

This the result of pressure build-up in the brain.

This pressure build-up is typically caused by swelling of the brain, bleeding in the brain (as caused by a vessel-rupture, ie.: anurism) og by blocked drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid - often known as fluid in the brain or "hydrocephalus).

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Q: What may cause the medulla oblongata to be wedged into the foramen magnum by pressure of blood?
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The medulla oblongata passes through the?

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May cause medulla oblongata to be wedged into foramen magnum by pressur of blood?

cerebrovascular accident

What may cause medulla oblongata to be wedged into foramen magnum?

This is called a tonsillar hernation, where the cerebellum is pushed through the foramen magnum. The extra brain trying to pass through the foramen magnum can cause compression of the medulla, which has serious complications (e.g. stop breathing.) This may be due to a space occupying lesion somewhere else in the brain, or in the cerebellum itself. As the brain cannot expand outwards (due to the hard skull) it expands down (and across where possible). Examples of space occupying lesions include haemorrhage, oedema and tumours.

What is the largest foramen in the body?

The obturator foramen is the largest foramen in the human body.

What is largest foramen in skull?

obturator foramen

Name the biggest foramen in your body?

Foramen magnum

What anatomical structure is the opening that allows the spinal cord to pass from the brain to the rest of the body?

The foramen magnum is where the spinal cord enters the cranial cavity.foramen magnum

What is the largest foramen and where is it located?

The foramen magnum is located at the base of your skull.

What is name for large foramen on inferior occipital bone?

foramen magnum

What is the function of a foramen magnum?

Removal of a portion of bone posterior to the foramen magnum in order to allow greater space for the nervous system structures within.

Hole at base of skull at spinal cord?

The spinal cord, proper, does not begin until past the foramen magnum, which is the exit hole in the occipital bone. The brain stem actually extends down to the level of cervical vertebrae numbers one and two. That is not only why people with a neck fracture die, but also they can live if the break is below the brain stem.