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Q: What may have eroded the mountain to have a flat top?
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Related questions

What is a flat top mountain or a flat area at the top of a mountain?

The word you need may be 'Plateau'

What happens to mountains when the top is eroded away?

When mountain tops erode away they start becoming infertile. When the top soil nutrients are eroded away with the top of the mountain trees and grasses may no longer survive in those places.

How do you tell the age of a mountain?

One way to tell the age of a mountain range is by its height. Another way is by how eroded and worn the edges of the rocks are. The more jagged the edges, the younger the mountains. Heavily worn ranges may be so eroded that they become foothills

What is the differences between mesa and a mountain?

A Mesa is an elevated piece of land with a flat top and steep sides. A Mountain has a similar description, but climbs to a peak

What is the name for a mountain area with a flat top?

The word you need may be 'plateau'

What is the word for a mountain with a flat top?

A mesa is a flat-topped mountain.

What distinguishes a mountain from a plateau?

a plateau has a flat top a plateau has a flat top

What is the description of a guyot?

A guyot is a flat-topped sea mount

How do you draw a mesa?

A mesa is shaped like a mountain, but has a flat top. You can simply draw a mountain and then make the top of it a large flat surface.

Broad mountain flat top?

broard moutain with flat tops

What if the name of the mountain with a flat top in cape town south africa?

The mountain with the flat top that presides over Cape Town; one of the world's most beautiful cities is Table Mountain.

What is the between a mesa and a mountain?

Mesa are flat on top