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Q: What meaning does the morpheme rupt convey?
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What is the meaning of rupt?

to break

What is a free base morpheme?

A free base morpheme is a standalone morpheme that can function as a word on its own. It is not dependent on any other morpheme to convey meaning. For example, the word "dog" consists of a single free base morpheme, as it can be used independently to refer to the animal.

What meaning does the morpheme spec convey in these words inspect suspect and spector?

The morpheme spec conveys the meaning of "look" or "see" in these words. In "inspect," spec means "look closely or examine," while in "suspect," it means "look at with distrust or doubt." In "spector," spec means "one who watches or observes."

What does the meaning rupt mean?

The root "rupt" means to break. Examples for this root include interrupt, disrupt, rupture.

Is the suffix rupt latin or greek root words?

"Rupt" comes from the Latin word "Rupto", meaning "I burst".

What is the morpheme in the word immortality?

The morpheme in "immortality" is "im," which is a prefix meaning "not" or "without."

Is rode a free morpheme?

Yes, "rode" is a free morpheme. It is lexical (has meaning) and can stand alone.

What are the smallest units of meaning in a language?

Morphemes are the smallest units of meaning in a language. They can be words, prefixes, suffixes, or even individual sounds that carry meaning.

Is a morpheme is a unit of meaning?

Morphemes carry meaning, yes. Phonemes do not.

What is the smallest unit of semantic or grammatical meaning?

A morpheme is a meaningful linguistic unit that cannot be divided further. An example might be a word such as 'yes' or a suffix such as '-ing'.

What are morphemes?

A morpheme is a word or a word element that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. In the word "singing," sing is a morpheme and ing is a morpheme. In the word "friendliest," friend is a morpheme, ly is a morpheme, and est is a morepheme.

What is the smallest component of a word that has a semantic meaning called?
