

What means of oxyzen?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What means of oxyzen?
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Does moon has oxyzen?

No it has no atmosphere.

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What challenges did Neil Armstrong faced?

he faced toilet and lack of oxyzen

What is the ionisation potential of oxyzen?

Check out the table on this wiki page

What are the similarities between human body and animals and plants?

The similarities between manimmal and man are the both are made of cells the both breth and need oxyzen to live

What things diffuse out of cells?

diffussion of oxyzen means dissociation curve .oxyzen diffussion depends on concentration of corbon dioxide concentration and bmr .if corbon dioxide concentration is increased the diffussion is also increased. if bmr is also high the diffussion of oxyzen in blood is also increase

What is the connection between trees and human?

Trees provide oxygen through photosynthesis, which humans need to breathe. They also absorb carbon dioxide, helping to mitigate climate change. In addition, trees provide resources such as food, medicine, and shelter for humans.

Why oxyzen is paramagnetic explain it forrm mo theory?

Oxygen is paramagnetic due to the presence of two unpaired electrons in its molecular orbital configuration. In molecular orbital theory, oxygen molecule (O2) consists of two oxygen atoms, each contributing one unpaired electron to form pi* anti-bonding molecular orbitals. These unpaired electrons make oxygen molecule paramagnetic, which means it is attracted to a magnetic field.

Why a 87 23 won't start after you try for couple of times it eventually does start rough with misfire but as soon you take your foot of gas pedal it dies has new overload protection relay and tuneup?

This is due mostly due to oxyzen sensor. replace it and it should be fine.

How many oxygen atoms are present in sulfuric acid?

In sulfuric acid (H2SO4), there are a total of four oxygen atoms. This is because there are two oxygen atoms in the sulfate (SO4 2-) group and two more in the water molecule formed when sulfuric acid dissociates in solution.

What is cryogenic tank?

A cryogenic tank is a specialized storage vessel designed to hold materials at extremely low temperatures, typically below -150°C or -238°F. These tanks are commonly used to store liquefied gases such as liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, and liquefied natural gas, which require very low temperatures to remain in liquid form for transportation and industrial applications.

What does seacht mean in Gaelic?

It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.