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That meant that who ever was chosen was going to get killed in the gas chamber in the camp.

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Q: What meant to be chosen to be putted into the Concentration Camps?
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What does the word chosen mean in the concentration camps?

The word generally used in English is selected. It meant selected (chosen) for work. Those who were not 'selected' were gassed as soon as practical.

What were the prisoners meant for in the concentration camps?

The Jews did slave work in the concentration camp. The slave work was building tanks and weapons that he was killing other people with.

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if the star of david is on someone's cloth, that meant the person was one of the person in the concentration camps

What was the difference between concetrantion camps and death camps?

Death camps had the facilities to commit mass murder, they also had limited barracks as they did not house many inmates (Auschwitz was the exception as it was both).

Were there concentration camps in ww1?

The answer posted previously was wrong; there were concentration camps during WWI. The Turks had the Armenians in concentration camps such as Deir ez-Zor during WWI. Around 1.5 million Armenians were killed in that genocide total.

What conditions in the ghettos and concentration camps caused tuberculosis to spread?

The combined effects of malnutrition and severe overcrowding meant that infectious diseases spread easily. Moreover, there was no medication in the camps and ghettos.

What are good camps for kids?

Why is this in the Holocaust category*? I go to North Star which is located in northern Wisconsin. It is a great overnight camp and has everything there. People from all over the US go there. *If you meant concentration camps, what's wrong with you?!

What was done to jews at concentration camps?

They were starved, abused, and put in death camps in which they put them in gas chambers and when I said abused I meant they ripped parts off and did things that the SPCA wouldn't let the animals treated that way. Trust me.

Why weren't there any nice things in the Jewish concentration camps?

Well to start they were going to be killed painfully and slowly. it wasn't meant to be a VACATION Read a HISTORY BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did US soldiers not find in concentration camps?

The Brits, Americans and Soviets all found the concentration camps, not necessarily together.

What Battles of World War 2 involved concentration camps?

There weren't any World War 2 battles in the usual sense at any of the concentration camps. By battle I understand a major confrontation between Allied and Axis troops. In the case of the camps, the SS men running them usually fled when the Allies were close. Perhaps you meant something slightly different. If so please say so.

What is meant by the term 'death camp' in connection with the Holocaust?

The term death camp is rather vague but is generally used for:Extermination camps, like Treblinka II and Sobibor. These were relatively small camps that designed to kill new arrivals as soon as possible.The harshest concentration camps (Grade III), such as Mauthausen, that were intended to work the inmates to death.Note that Auschwitz included both kinds of camps.The term is often - confusingly - used of all Nazi concentration camps with a high death toll.