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Q: What measures how fast an object moves in a period of time?
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What describes how fast an object moves?


Are speeds a types of forces?

no, speed is a scalar quantity. forces is a vector quantity that measures the strength and states the direction. speed tells you how fast an object moves in specific instant. :)

How fast an object move and the direction it moves is called?


What is a falling object that moves so fast it circles the earth?

It is a satellite.

How fast an object moves It is the distance traveled divided by the time?


What instrument shows how fast an object moves?

Usually, that would be a speedometer.

What is the measure of how fast an object moves relative to a reference point?

Its speed.

Is speed and velocity are same?

Not quite. Speed only measures how fast an object is moving, while velocity measures change in position relative to time. For example, an object that moves from point A to point B, and then back to it's original position, may move with speed, but since there is no change in position, velocity would be 0.

How fast an object moves in a particular drection?

Motion of something determined by its mass and velocity

What is stantaneous speed?

Stantaneous speed is how fast an object moves at any given time.

A measure of how fast an object moves is?

miles/kilometers per second/minute/hour

Is speed and distance the same thing?

No, distance and speed are two separate measurements. Distance is how far an object moves relative to speed and time, and speed is how fast an object moves relative to time and distance.