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The measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface is air pressure. An instrument that is used to measure air pressure is a barometer.

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Dahlia Miller

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Q: What measures the force that air molecules uses to push on a surface?
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What measures of the force with which air molecules push on a surface?

air pressureair presureAir Pressure

What measures the forces that air molecules used to push on the surface?

The measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface is air pressure. An instrument that is used to measure air pressure is a barometer.

What is the measure of the force with which air molecules push on the surface?

air pressureair presureAir Pressure

The measure of the force with air molecules push on a surface is called?

The measure of the force due to air pressing on a surface is called the force.If you divide that by the area of the surface, then you have the pressure.

The measure of the force which air molecules push on a surface?

Air pressure is the measure of the force exerted by air molecules on a surface. It is typically measured in units such as pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals (Pa). Changes in air pressure can affect weather patterns and have impacts on both human health and equipment operation.

How is measured air pressure?

Air pressure is the measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface.

Why does air excert pressure?

Air consists of gaseous molecules which are always in random motion when they collide with a solid or liquid surface they apply a force to push the surface this force for per unit area is known as pressure, the gravitational force on gaseous molecules (in bulk) is also responsible for atmospheric pressure.

What is the measure of the force with whicn air molecules push on a surface?

What is normally used here is not a force, but a force per unit area; this is called pressure. The SI unit for pressure is the pascal.

The force on an area from the push of air is called?

The measure of the force exerted by air molecules on a surface per unit area is air pressure.

What is the measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface?

The measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface is known as air pressure. It is typically measured in units such as pascals (Pa) or millibars (mb), and it is influenced by factors such as altitude, temperature, and weather conditions.

What is the measure with which air molecules push on a surface?

Air pressure is the measure with which air molecules push on a surface. It is defined as the force exerted per unit area by a column of air above that surface in the Earth's atmosphere.

What unit measures how hard you push an object to move?

We use force to push an object. The SI unit of force is Newton. Newton is the force which can move a body of mass 1 kg with a speed of 1m/s.