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Meat: Protein and Iron

Vegetables: I don't know

Fruit: I don't know

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13y ago

Fruit and Veg have very healthy nutrients for your body.

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Q: What meat and vegetables?
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What is the difference between meat and vegetables?

Meat is the flesh of animals and vegetables are plant products.

Hi meat is not healthy unless you eat it with vegetables?

Meat can be healthy without eating vegetables. It will depend on the way the meat is cooked and what meat it is.

Is salmon a red meat?

No it is not red meat. Scientifically, fish is not meat. Fish is fish, just like vegetables are vegetables.

What did the people in the colonies eat?

they ate meat and vegetables. they ate food like meat and vegetables.

What food group is Kebab in?

Shish kebab contains meat and vegetables on a stick. The meat is in the protein food group, and the vegetables are in the vegetables food group.

When roasting meat do you put in the vegetables in the oven the same time as the meat?

yes you can put together the meat and vegetables, only you can get very soft result!

What is a stew of meat?

A conglomeration of meat, vegetables and herbs in a gravy.

Are you canivores?

We are omnivores and carnivores. We eat meat and vegetables. We don't always just eat meat and we dont just eat vegetables.

Food that contains meat and vegetables?

There are lots of foods that contain meat and vegetables. One such food is soup and another is Shepherd's pie.

What gives you more muscles meat or vegetables?

Protein in meat will give you bulk. Vegetables give you vitamins you need. You actually cannot get muscle without both. A good balanced diet of meat and vegetables will give you a great bod.

Do omnivores eat vegetables?

Yes. Omnivores eat both meat and vegetables.

Is a pescetarian someone who eats meat and fruit and vegetables... but no fish?

A pescetarian is a person who eats fruits, vegetables AND fish, but NO meat, chicken or gelatin.