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Q: What mechanics produce high precipitation at temperate latitudes?
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When do honeybees have babies?

Bees do not produce babies, they are insects and lay eggs. They do this during most of the year but slow down in temperate latitudes over the winter period.

What type of precipitation does blizzards produce?

the type of precipitation that blizzards produce is snow(:

Do clouds always produce precipitation?

No, usually only Nimbus clouds produce noticeable precipitation.

What is the precipitation in a tornado?

Tornadoes themselves do not produce precipitation, but the storms that produce them usually do. Tornadoes are often accompanied by rain and hail.

Is precipitation one thing hurricanes thunderstorms and tornadoes have in common?

All hurricanes and nearly all thunderstorms produce precipitation. Tornadoes are produced by thunderstorms and so are nearly always accompanied by precipitation, but they do not produce precipitation.

Why are clouds at a lower altitude more likely to produce precipitation than those at a higher altitude?

Lower latitudes have high moisture content in the air and the air rises. Lower latitudes near the equator has rising air making the areas have more precipitation.

What precipitation does a tornado cause?

Tornadoes themselves do not cause any precipitation. The storms that produce tornadoes do. These storms produce heavy rain and often produce hail, some of which can be quite large.

What do Nimbus clouds produce?

Nimbus clouds usually produce precipitation. When this precipitation hits the surface of the earth, it can appear as hail, snow, hail, and rain.

What type of precipitation does cumulus cloud produce?

normally cumulus clouds do not produce precipitation. It is cumulonimbus clouds that form rain or snow depending on the season.

Which cloud type could not produce precipitation?


What are thunderhead clouds that produce precipitation?

cumulonimbus clouds

When clouds typically produce precipitation?

the sky is falling