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Testicles are supposed to feel colder than the rest of the body. That's why they sit outside in their own sacs.

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Q: What medical condition could a man have if his testicles always feel cold?
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Is it normal to have pain between the testicles and anus after vomiting?

The answer is yes and no. If the vomiting was particularly forceful, the intra-abdominal pressure can rise considerably. This can exert a lot of pressure on the pelvic wall bordering the testicles, and some mild pain afterward may not be a sign of anything serious. HOWEVER, the answer is also 'no' because the pain could be due a hernia or other potentially serious problem. When in doubt, you should always see a doctor. Always treat medical information online, even from reputable sources, with critical scrutiny, and never let anyone but a doctor have the last word on your condition.

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The consequences of failing to diagnose a medical condition will vary depending on what the initial medical condition is. It is extremely possible that if ones condition is not diagnosed one could die. An example would be cancer going undiagnosed. Often if not caught in time, it is too late for treatment and could be fatal.

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You could likely be pregnant or some other medical condition. Get it checked out.

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Are lumps on a testicle of a 14 year old boy normal?

Any lump on your testicles should be checked with a doctor. Don't waste time. It could be an infection or a swelling that can be treated with antibiotics. It could be a cyst of fluid (usually separate from the testicle), and it could be a dangerous lump. Get the doctor to check it. Always. See Related Links below.

Can you be medically discharged from the Marine Corps for arthritis?

You could be discharged for arthritis. If the medical condition prevents you from being effective, you can receive a medical discharge. If it is bad enough, you could receive disability pay.

What is life threatining?

A disease or serious medical condition could be life threatening as the sufferer may die.

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A swollen vas deferens could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Prostatitis, or a bacterial infection could be the problem.

What does it mean if a man's testicles hang low?

It's normal for testicles to hang lower in warmer temperatures or during physical activity to regulate temperature and promote sperm health. However, if they consistently hang low and cause discomfort, it could be due to aging, hormonal changes, or a medical condition that may need evaluation by a healthcare provider.