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Q: What medical profession studies Eyes?
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Who studies X-rays?

The medical profession that studies x-ray images is known as a medical radiologist. Radiologist technicians may also have some role in analysing x-rays.

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What medical profession gets paid the most?

Medical profession gets paid the most when they can see there patient in good condition that is when they are out of pain that they recover for there illness and most of all if they can smile with out any tears in there eyes. Think that experience can paid me more than what I wanted to do.

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What profession studies protists?

The profession that studies protists are called Protistologists. Their career involves the study of the influence of climate on living organisms. Which is pretty cool.

What is neurophysiology about?

Neurophysiology is a branch of the medical profession that studies both the brain and the nervous system. This specific branch of medicine focuses on the relationship between the brain and ones nervous system.

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How does the medical profession and society view female circumcision?

This practice is not universally approved by the medical profession and is considered by many to be a human rights violation.

If a employee you sterlizing medical instrument what is the profession?

Instrument sterilization is not completed by those in a particular profession.

What authority does a state have to regulate medical profession?

The medical profession is practiced under Federal regulations. Besides those, each State may have local regulations concerning the practice of the medical profession as well as appointed commissions or other bodies to supervise the compliance with such regulations.

What is the best profession after doing fsc with pre medical if you do not get admission in medical?

i think best profession after fsc is bsc and then CSS

What is themeaning of care based of medical terms?

Medical terms used by the medical profession in caring for patients.