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Q: What medical therm is urinating often usually in small amounts?
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Can having a pee in public be considered indecent exposure?

Well, in one, you are urinating, in the other, your are not. Indecent exposure consists of exposing your penis, vagina, butt, or breasts in public. This is usually a smaller fine. Urinating in public is technically vandalism, and generally consists of a larger fine. If you have to, just pee your pants. This generally isn't considered urinating in public, and often leads to a better story to tell your friends.

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Why are you peeing often small amounts?

Most often, urinating small amounts but frequently is a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). You can also have pain in the urethra, burning when you urinate, with or without a fever. Blood in urine is a later sign of a bladder infection. Call your doctor's office and ask to be seen. You'll urinate in a cup for a urinalysis, and likely will also have a Clean Catch urine sent to the lab for Culture and Sensitivity (C&S) for bacteria types.

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What does a root word usually indicate in medical terminology?

A root word in medical terminology typically indicates the basic meaning of the term. It forms the core of a medical term and can often be combined with prefixes and suffixes to create more complex medical terms.

What are the main symptoms of bladder infections?

The main symptoms of bladder infections include needing to urinate often, a burning feeling while urinating, and passing small amounts of urine at a time despite your need to go. Other symptoms include a cloudy color, blood in the urine and a foul smell.

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Often, a recipe will specify adding an ingredient gradually. This means to add the ingredients in small individual amounts rather than pour it all in at once, usually mixing between adding amounts.

Is one gram of protein in urine bad?

Small amounts of protein usually aren't a cause for concern. Larger amounts of protein in the urine may indicate a kidney problem. Protein is often found in the urine of young people after they exorcise.

What's the symptoms for kidney failure?

Symptom 1: Changes in Urination Kidneys make urine, so when the kidneys are failing, the urine may change. How? You may have to get up at night to urinate. Urine may be foamy or bubbly. You may urinate more often, or in greater amounts than usual, with pale urine. You may urinate less often, or in smaller amounts than usual with dark colored urine. Your urine may contain blood. You may feel pressure or have difficulty urinating.

How much money does a medical examiner earn Does it include benefits?

A medical examiner does get benefits usually. They often work for a city or county and make around 75,000 dollars a year to 100,000 dollars.