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Q: What medication reduce the spread of HIV infection in cells?
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What drugs can be used to reduce or get rid of pus cells?

Pus is caused from an infection, so antibiotics would be used to treat the infection, which would clear up the pus, as well.

How does an STD reduce the risk of getting HIV?

STDs do not reduce the risk of getting HIV. In fact, STDs increase the risk of getting HIV. Any STD elicits an immune response. Its almost like ringing the dinner bell for HIV. Most infections pull CD4 immune cells (cells that HIV infects) to the site of infection (usually). This increases the risk of infection.

Why do you not get symptoms when reinfected?

white cells (phagocytes, lympochites and platelets) are left in your blood stream after original infection, and still have the imprint of how to fight, or at least reduce the symptoms of the infection. an additional bit of information, if a large amount of white cells are left in the blood stream, or your body randomly produces excess amounts of white cells, meiopathy occurs in which the cells attack healthy muscular tissue.

What is Platinol used to treat medically?

Platinol, also known as Cisplatin is a medication for cancer patients. Platinol interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows how fast they spread in the body.

Why does your wbc continue to rise even after receiving medication for an infection?

white blood cells in your body continue to rise even after receiving medication because many of them were destroyed in fighting against the disease you had. now, the body is trying to compensate for that by making more WBCs.

What cells fight infection?

white cells.

How does HIV damage th immune system?

HIV attaches and takes over Immune system cells called CD4. These cells locate Infections in the Body and coordinate their destruction. Without medication the body cant replace CD4 cells as fast as they are lost. As the CD4 level drops,infection can enter the body with less resistance and replicate and spread,thus doing damage as the body struggles to locate the infection. When the CD4 level falls below 200 a person is said to have AIDS and without treatment death will come in an average of 9 months or so.

Can your period alter a bladder infection urine test and show white cells?

White cells are a sign of infection. If you have them in your urine it probably means you have some type infection in your urinary tract. Your period should not have white cells being secreted because there is no infection.

A medication that kills or damages cells?


Can you do PE with verruca?

Yes you can do PE with a verruca as long as you have it covered and do not get it wet. Infection is spread when the verruca releases virus infected cells onto surfaces e.g. floor in changing rooms.

What does white cells do?

Fight infection

How do the waves of depolarization generated by the autorhythmic cells spread to the muscle cells?

Gap Junctions in the cell spread the action potential to nearby cells.