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In order to promote dental health of gums and the oral mucosa, a dentist may legally prescribe any of the available smoking cessation products on the market; including nicotine-patches, Zyban, and Chantix.

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Q: What medications can a dentist proscribe for quiting tobacco?
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What is used for mint?

Food, scents, medications, tobacco additive, flavoring, coloring.

How long should you wait to apply for Life insurance after quiting chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco underwriting varies by company. Some life insurance companies will consider you to be a tobacco user for 1 year after you quit chewing. The good news is that there are some life insurance companies that could care less about chewing tobacco and will offer you their non-tobacco life insurance rates today! In fact, you could chew tobacco at your insurance paramed exam and still qualify for non-tobacco rates.

How long before I go to the dentist should I quit chewing tobacco so they don't find out?

How long ago did you start? A day more than that. In other words: you are probably not going to be able to hide this from your dentist.

Why are my teeth yellow when I brush them every day?

Aging: As we age, the outer layer of our teeth, known as enamel, naturally wears away, revealing the yellowish dentin underneath. Genetics: Some people are simply predisposed to having yellower teeth. Stains: Certain foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco products can cause staining on teeth. Poor dental hygiene: Neglecting to floss and not seeing a dentist regularly can allow plaque and tartar buildup, making teeth look yellow. Medications: Certain medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics, can cause tooth discoloration. If you are concerned about the yellowing of your teeth, it's best to consult with a Dentist Doctor for a proper evaluation and recommended treatment options.

What changes occurs your body when you eat Tobacco?

You can get lung cancer and mouth cancer. I know that doesn't sound convincing because that doesn't happen to that, many people, but, how would you like to be the guy who walks around with only half a face because he chewed or smoked. Tobacco can also raise your chance of a heart attack, especially if you have a family history of high cholestrole and stuff. Tobacco causes you to become addicted. I would seriously recommend quiting if you use tobacco. It may seem fine now, but in the long, you will be glad you did! Besides everything else I just mentioned, tobacco gives you bad breathe, gross teeth, and just makes you look older than you already are!

Does nicotine make your mouth bleed?

No. Neither does tobacco under normal circumstances. If you have bleeding in your mouth, you should see a physician or dentist immediately. At best it could be a gum infection; at worst, cancer.

What does it mean if you have a small hole in your gum that is slowly growing and is really painful and it showed up after a week of smokeless tobacco use and then you quit?

It sounds like an abcess. See a dentist first, then see who he recommends.

What are the different types of medications that can be taken for helping you stop smoking?

Willpower, willpower and willpower. If you look beyond Tobacco Control's propaganda, the most successful method of quitting for good is willpower alone. Tobacco Control are sponsored and receive much of their funding from the pharmaceutical companies, who don't sell willpower!

Can i smoke after getting my wisdom teath pulled?

It's bad to do anytime. It give you God Awful breath. It discolors your teeth this horrible ugly brown. AND it can lead to cancer of the mouth and gums. YUM YUM - Makes you kinda want a chaw just thinkin' about it. NO it dont thats really bad for u.

Can you dip tobacco 7 days after wisdom teeth removal?

I got mine out a couple months ago, I wouldn't do it until maybe two weeks. Considering on what exactly they did I would probably ask the dentist or oral surgeon.

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