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Antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce tightness in the chest.

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Q: What medications can be prescribed to ease tightness in the chest of a byssinosis patient?
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Why do coronary stent patients have to take medications?

Taking medications as prescribed. Aspirin and other heart medications may be prescribed, and the patient may need to take these medications for life.

Should medications be prescribed to psychopaths?

Only a physician/psychiatrist can make a diagnosis, and only doctors can decide whether a patient needs medicine. Every patient is evaluated. There is no "one size fits all".

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no. you are over 18 and regardless of being on his policy, you have patient disclosure rights..

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Medications are prescribed to prevent unwanted blood clotting. Daily doses of aspirin or other anticoagulant medications are started after the procedure and are continued after the patient goes home.

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Depending on the reason for the hospital stay, certain medications may be prescribed or restricted. The health care team will provide specific guidelines. If certain medications need to be restricted before the hospital stay.

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A physician will study lab work for a patient with high BUN to creatinine ratios. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment with medications can then be prescribed.

How do managed care plans attempt to reduced the cost of prescription medications?

A well managed care plan will be able to show if a patient/client is really needing all or just some of their prescribed medications or even if the prescribed medication is working. It may need to be reviewed and a cheaper more effective alternative could be used.

What types of medication does a doctor prescribe for heart patients?

There are literally hundreds of medications prescribed for heart patients. It completely depends on the patient's heart condition and their other medical conditions.

Are all medications prescribed by a physician considered controlled substances?

No, A physician will prescribe the medicines needed to treat a patients illness. Some of the medications may only be legally given/sold to the patient with a doctors prescription, but the physician my perhaps also prescribe an analgesic (for instance paracetamol) which may be freely available without a prescription. Thus not all prescribed medications are controlled substances.

What is the prognosis for a patient with byssinosis?

Prolonged exposure makes patients wheeze more often and can cause chronic bronchitis. It does not lead to permanently disabling lung disease.

Do you need to explain to an employer about doctor-prescribed medications?

No, the HIPPA laws protect patient privacy. If you have a condition that prevents you from doing your job, your employer can try to accomodate you or request that you move one, but he is not allowed to obtain nor is he privy to whatever medications his employees are using.

When does sideroblastic anemia require transfusions?

the cause of a patient's anemia cannot be determined, blood transfusions may be necessary. Medications are prescribed to stimulate excretion or excess iron that accumulates as a result of these transfusions.