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Antacids help make you stop farting. You should change your diet that way they won't smell as bad.

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Q: What medicine gets rid of bad fart smell?
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Related questions

How does your fart smell?

Bad, of course.

What element gives fart their bad smell?

Fecal matter.

When animals fart does it stink?

Yes, sometimes it could smell just as bad as a human fart (or sometimes worse).

How bad does your fart smell?

On a scale of 1-10 my is at least 123

What gives fart bad smell?

Various sulfur and nitrogen compounds.

What element is yellow which gives fart its bad smell?

Sulfur is an element that is yellow and smells bad.

Can you die off a smell of a fart?

No, unless its poisonous gas, which I doubt, Farts may smell bad but you cant die of them.

How can you tell if you have bad gas?

The gas comes up and you can smell the horrible smell. But sometimes the fart is silent but it doesn't mean you can't still smell it!!!

Why do your farts smell like frozen chicken nuggets?

Funny Fact: People's fart is all different in the real world.... A slight fart can give a bad smell.....while a big fart doesn't have much smell...... thats why my cousin's fart smell like garbage because he eat frozen chicken nuggets... P.S. why did you even try smelling frozen chicken nuggets?

How bad does MY fart smell?

*TOOT* your farts smell bad because ur a stupid monkey with no commen sense or personal hygeen. In other words, ur a pube

Why do I fart outloud?

my guide on how to fart. first.tense your bum hard. push out your but. wait for the noise and smell. if the smell is bad, accuse your friend of farting. they will say no, then you say, eew i can smell ya bum. they will shut up, and will feel abused. if the smell is bad, open the doors and windows or turn on the fan. try not to laugh, this will make it obvious. to avoid farting, avoid baked beans. you fart because enjoy it and it express's your feelings. the end.

Does ilyas like to fart?

yes. his farts smell so bad, that he stunk up the whole school.