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Reducing the buildup of thick skin may require medicines that dissolve or melt keratin, the major chemical in skin's outer layer. These keratolytics include urea, lactic acid, and salicylic acid.

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Q: What medicine reduces skin buildup in lichen simplex chronicus?
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Related questions

How is lichen simplex chronicus prevented?

Early, gentler substitutes for scratching can entirely prevent lichen simplex chronicus.

What treats resistant lichen simplex chronicus?

Resistant cases of lichen simplex chronicus will often respond to cortisone-like drugs injected directly into the lesions.

Who diagnoses Lichen simplex chronicus?

A dermatologist, a physician specializing in the study and treatment of skin disorders, can make a diagnosis after a visual exam.

How do sedatives help lichen simplex chronicus?

Sedatives or tranquilizers may be prescribed to combat the nervous tension and anxiety that often accompanies the condition.

What causes infection in lichen simplex chronicus?

infection is greatly increased when the outer layer of protective skin is broken. Skin usually repairs itself quickly; however, in the case of lichen simplex chronicus, healing skin causes more itching and more scratching causes a thickening of the skin

How should lichen simplex chronicus medicine be administered?

All these medicines work better under occlusion, which means putting a waterproof barrier like a rubber glove or plastic wrap over them. For broken skin, topical antibiotics like bacitracin help prevent infection.

What are the symptoms of lichen simplex chronicus?

Symptoms are chronic itching which is often accompanied by nervous tension. The appearance of scratch marks and the leathery skin patches can be found anywhere on the body. A

How is lichen simplex chronicus treated?

Treatment of the itching is necessary to stop the scratching and resulting skin damage. There are a number of ways to stop itching. Perhaps the most important is to cut fingernails very short.

What can ease lichen simplex chronicus?

Ice can substitute for the relief of scratching. Heat and fuzzy clothing worsen itching; cold and smooth clothing pacify it. If the itching is persistent, dressings may be applied to the affected areas

What is the prognosis of lichen simplex chronicus?

Diligent adherence to treatment is usually rewarded with a resolution of the condition. The original cause of itching may be gone, or it may reappear. Preventive treatment in its early stages will arrest the process.

How do you treat lichen simplex chronicus?

Fluocinonide. I have itched and scratched for months, visited two dermotoligist, and in about 4 weeks of heavy treatment I'm 95% itch free. This is the strogest steroid ointment you can get. Listen to your doctors intructions for use.

What is the difference between simplex and dual simplex method?

what is difference between regular simplex method and dual simplex method