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Q: What medium do you culture Vibrio vulnificus in?
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What is vibriosis?

Vibriosis is a disease caused by an infection with bacteria of the Vibrio genus, most commonly Vibrio parahemolyticus or Vibrio vulnificus.

What causes vibriosis?

Vibriosis is caused by eating seafood contaminated with Vibrio parahemolyticus or Vibrio vulnificus.

How does vibrio vulnificus move?

Like sperm but in a cooler way!

When and by whom was vibrio vulnificus discovered?

Hugo Reichelt in 1976.

What food sources are accoiated with vibrio vulnificus?

It is in clams in the waters of the gulf of Mexico

What is the prognosis for vibriosis?

Most healthy persons completely recover from diarrhea caused by Vibrio bacteria. Vibrio vulnificus blood infection affects persons with underlying illness

What are the steps for prevention vibrio vulnificus?

Do not eat raw seafood and do not swim in salt water with an open cut

What does Vibrio Vulnificus need to thrive?

lives inside oysters harvested from warm coastal waters, such as the Gulf of Mexico.

Vibrio vulnificus what does it need to thrive?

It's free living meaning it doesn't need another organism to survive.

What is the disease caused by Vibrio vulnificus?

Vibrio cholerae bacteria causes the serious epidemic disease called as 'Cholera'. There is vomiting and loose motion of sudden onset. Typically there is rice water stool. When you do not treat the disease promptly, the disease carries very high mortality.

What part of the body does vibrio vulnificus attack?

Stomach mainly but It causes wound infections, gastroenteritis, or a syndrome known as primary septicemia.