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The lesser omentum - which is a membranous fatty tissue and part of the messentaries - attaches to the lesser curvature of the stomach, duodenum, and liver.

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The lesser omentum

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Q: What membrane is attacted to the lesser curvature of the stomach?
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What is the function of the greater curvature?

Curvatures of the stomach:Lesser Curvature forms the right border of stomach, which extends from cardiac orifice to the pylorus. The lesser omentum is attached to lesser curvature and the liver. The lesser omentum forms the anterior boundary of the omental foramen and contains hepatic artery, portal vein and bile duct within its lower border.Greater Curvature extends from left of cardiac orifice, over dome of fundus, and along left border of stomach to the pylorus.The gastrosplenic ligament attaches to the upper part of the greater curvature and the greater omentum attaches to its lower part.

What is the vessel that carries blood to the stomach?

There are three major arteries to the stomach all of which come eternaly from the Celiac Trunk from the aorta. The left gastric artery brached directly from the celiac trunk and supplies the left part of the lesser curvature area where the right gatric arterie supplies the right part of the lesser curvature and comes from common hepatic artery. The right gastro-omental which comes from the common hepatic artery and supplies the right part of the greater curvature. The left gastro-omental is a continuation of the splenic artery and supplies the left part of the greater curvature.

Membrane surrounding the abdominal cavity?

The membrane that is found in the abdominal cavity is called serous membrane. It composes the visceral and parietal peritoneum and also has extensions called mesenteries, including the greater and lesser omentums.

Diffusion is defined as a movement of molecules?

Is Diffusion the movement of molecules from a greater to a lesser concentration.

When is a substance most likely to diffuse into a cell?

If there is the concentration of substance inside the cell is lesser than outside and cell membrane is permeable to the substance.

Related questions

What membrane that runs from lesser curvature of stomach to the liver?

Lesser omentum

What structure is attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach?

The lesser omentum is the structure that is attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach. It is thin but has two layers of serous membrane.

Lesser omentum arises from what part of the stomach?

The lesser curvature of the stomach.

Structure attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach?

The structure attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach is a mesentery called the lesser omentum. this receives bile from the liver and sends it to the stomach.

Has a convex lateral surface called greater curvature and a concave medial surface called lesser curvature?

The stomach has a greater and lesser curvature. The greater curvature is the more lateral of the two.

Which curve of the stomach is a concave curve?

the lesser curvature of the stomach is a concave curve

Location and purpose of the greater and lesser omentum?

The greater omentum is located in the stomach. It is like an apron that extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon. Its purpose is for fat deposition, immune contribution, and infection and wound isolation. The lesser omentum, on the other hand, extends from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach. There is no known function of the lesser omentum.

What drains the lesser curvature of the stomach and empties into the hepatic portal vein?

the gastric vein

What is the incisura of the stomach?

A marked "notching" curve roughly in the middle of the lesser curvature of teh stomach nearer to the pylorus than the cardium.

What is the greater curvature in the stomach?

The stomach, part of the gastrointestinal tract, is a digestive organ located between the esophagus and the duodenum. It has a 'J' shape, and features a lesser and greater curvature. The anterior and posterior surfaces are smoothly rounded with a peritoneal covering. The greater curvature forms the long, convex, lateral border of the stomach. Arising at the cardiac orifice, it arches backwards and passes inferiorly to the left. It curves to the right as it continues medially to reach the pyloric antrum (opening to the pylorus).

What is the function of the greater curvature?

Curvatures of the stomach:Lesser Curvature forms the right border of stomach, which extends from cardiac orifice to the pylorus. The lesser omentum is attached to lesser curvature and the liver. The lesser omentum forms the anterior boundary of the omental foramen and contains hepatic artery, portal vein and bile duct within its lower border.Greater Curvature extends from left of cardiac orifice, over dome of fundus, and along left border of stomach to the pylorus.The gastrosplenic ligament attaches to the upper part of the greater curvature and the greater omentum attaches to its lower part.

Why lesser curvature of stomach is more prone to ulcers?

Clinically, it is true that gastric ulcer is more common along the lesser curvature and less common along the greater curvature. To elucidate this difference in ulcerognesis, two experimental ulcers were prepared in dogs at the sites, one at the angular incisure and the other at the corresponding greater curvature after the method by Hatafuku & Thal in japan. The cause for this may be explained by the increased motility with repeated ischemic condition at the lesser curvature.