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The dead parachutist symbolizes the brutal reality of adulthood and the loss of innocence experienced by the boys on the island. It represents the presence of death and violence that exists in the adult world, serving as a stark reminder of the boys' descent into savagery and their failure to maintain order and civilization.

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Q: What message from the world of grow ups does the figure of the dead parachutist represent?
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Lord of the Flies Ralph wishes for a message from the grown-ups the parachutist could be such a message what are some ideas the arrivel of this figure might have suggested to the boys?

its proof of the outside world still beign there.

What is the irony of the dead parachutist landing on the island?

The irony of the dead parachutist is that the message which should have reminded the boys of the real world was mistread and strengthened their belief in the imagined world of beasts. The arrival of the parachutist in chapter 6 is the message from the world of adults which Ralph had hoped for in the previous chapter. If the boys had seen him clearly they would have been reminded that there was a whole world beyond the boundaries of their island and they might have been encouraged in their efforts to try and get rescued. Ralph's position as leader would have been enhanced and his efforts to improve their lives might have gained more support. Unfortunately the parachutist was mistaken for the beast, which turned the attention of the boys inwards towards the affairs of the island. They forgot about the outside world and the need to be rescued, which undermined Ralph's position as leader. This reinforced Jack's attempts at gaining power to the detriment of them all.

What Words are used to describe the parachute man in the Lord of the flies?

The parachutist is described as "figure dropping swiftly beneath a parachute, a figure hung with dangling limbs.” The author describes the parachutist as "held by a complication of lines." Later, the parachutist is described as "corpulent" and "ungainly." The parachute man is seen by the boys as a living thing and as a representation of the "beast," and to the reader, it symbolizes the adult world that still exists off of the island.

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The stig is where the parachutist is coming down hiding half his body in the log cabin where the parachutist is

What would happen to a parachutist if there was no friction in the world?

They, along with the rest of the human race, would not exist.

In chapter six in Lord of the Flies what is the message sent to the boys that they do not get to read?

In chapter six of "Lord of the Flies," a dead parachutist lands on the island, signifying the presence of war in the outside world. The boys mistake the parachutist for a beast, showing their fear and descent into savagery. They do not get to read the message attached to the parachutist because it becomes detached and lost in the wind.

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