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Zinc oxide


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Iron reacts with steam to give iron(III) oxide, which is yellow when hot and white when cold.

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Q: What metal reacts with steam to give an oxide that is yellow when and white when cold?
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What reacts reversibly with steam to form its mixed oxide?

Iron (Fe) is an example of a metal that reacts reversibly with steam to form its mixed oxide, which is a combination of iron oxide (FeO) and iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3).

When hydrogen is released as a metal reacts with steam what do you think is the other product of the reaction?

The other product of the reaction may be an oxide or hydroxide.

Magnesium reacts with steam to make magnesium oxide and...?


Does magnesium react?

Magnesium reacts with steam faster than cold water because magnesium needs to burn to get magnesium oxide and to get magnesium oxide there has to be heat and since steam is already heated it doesn't need much time, but the cold water needs time to heat first to react.

Which element reacts reversibly with steam to form its mixed oxide?

Iron (Fe) reacts reversibly with steam to form iron(II, III) oxide, or Fe3O4, also known as magnetite.

What is the Word equation for iron reacting with steam?

The word equation is that iron or Fe reacts with steam H2O to produce iron oxide and hydrogen gas. Many metals that react with steam will give the products of the specific metal oxide and hydrogen gas.

What happens when magnesium burns in air and when it reacts with steam?

Magnesium oxide (MgO) is obtained.

Will there be a reaction between zinc and water?

Zinc reacts with steam to form Zinc oxide(yellow when hot and white when cold) and hydrogen. Zn+H2O=ZnO +H2

What do you call the white powder that is formed when magnesium reacts with steam?

The white powder formed when magnesium reacts with steam is magnesium oxide.

What metal does not react with cold water but reacts with steam when heated?

Iron and Zinc

What happens when magnesium reacts with steam?

When magnesium reacts with steam, it produces magnesium oxide (MgO) and hydrogen gas. The magnesium oxide is a white powder, and the hydrogen gas is combustible and can be ignited. This reaction is similar to the reaction of magnesium with water, but steam provides a more vigorous reaction due to the higher temperature.

Word equations for metal reactions?

metal + acid -> salt + water metal + oxygen -> metal oxide metal oxide + acid -> salt + water metal + water -> metal hydroxide + hydrogen Metal + Steam -> Metal Oxide + Hydrogen Metal + Acid -> Metal salt + Hydrogen