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Q: What metal would you use for the centre of an electromagnet?
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Can you use electromagnet in space?

Yes, you would be able to use electromagnets in space.

When would you want to use an electromagnet rather than a permanent magnet?

When you need a magnet you can turn on and off an electromagnet is used.

How does a crane use electromagnet?

A crane or junkyard crane uses an electromagnet to pick magnetic items up. The crane controls the electromagnet by using a a circuit that has a wire wrapped around a piece of metal that can be magnetized that's at the end of the crane's arm. When the circuit completes, the metal at the end of the cranes arm gets temporarily magnetized. When the current stops, the metal get demagnetized and can't pick things up anymore.

What suitable material would you use for the core of an electromagnet?

Iron - use a bunch of iron nails, wrapped many times with insulated copper wire, if making your own electromagnet.

How do you use a electromagnet?


What metal can you use for the center of an electromagnet and why?

You can use any metal at all for the armature of an electromagnet, but most metals won't influence the electromagnet in any useful way.However if you use a ferromagnetic metal or alloy (i.e. those containing iron, nickel, and/or cobalt) the magnetic field will concentrate in the armature, intensifying the strength of the electromagnet.Ferromagnetic materials can do this because the atoms of iron, nickel, and cobalt have an orbital in one of their internal electron shells containing only one electron instead of the two electrons that other elements have. This makes each atom of these elements a magnet. These atomic magnets naturally orient themselves randomly, so they all cancel out. But when an external field is applied (like from the electromagnet) these atomic magnets rotate to align with it, making the total field much stronger.

Where are electromagnets used in industry?

An electromagnet is used in an electrical engine, but an electrical engine contains normal magnets too.

Donna is attempting to make an electromagnet to pick up old nails in and around her driveway Which of these materials would be best to use for the core in order to make the strongest electromagnet to?

u need 2 provide more information"Which of these materials would be best to use for the core in order to make the strongest electromagnet to?"u need to provide what "these materials" are

Does a doorbell use an electromagnet?

yes it does

Does an electric lamp use an electromagnet?


Would you use a metal or a non metal on a BBQ hotplate?

Metal for if it was non metal it would melt and thats not good!

How does a stereo speaker use an electromagnet to produce sound?

An electromagnet drives the stereo speaker to provide the sound.