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Real pearls will often feel rough on the teeth. However you should be wary as there might be some smooth pearls. Another way to check is to check the drill holes. A fake pearl is more likely to have flakes falling off around the drill holes.

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Q: What methods can be used to tell if a pearl necklace is real?
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magnify glass
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How do I tell if I have a fake pearl necklace?

Many people have pearl necklaces but they are not sure if their necklace is real or fake. To find out if your pearl necklace is fake, you could go to a jewelry store and ask them.

Where can a pearl necklace be worn?

A pearl necklace is worn on the neck, just like any other necklace. While fake pearls look similar to real ones, a way to tell a fake is the texture. A real pearl will have almost a gritty feel on it, kind of like stucco. Lightly bite (very gently!) and you should be able to feel the texture.

How can you tell if your necklace is real silver?

if its not stamped

How do you tell if pearl's are real?

sends Steven deeper into Pearl's mind to look for it

How can you tell if your pearl jewelry is real?

The best way to tell if your pearl jewelry is real is to take the pearls to a jewelry appraiser. The appraiser will look for qualities such as luster and shine.

How can you tell if the pearl is real on your new pearl bracelet?

A professional gemologist is the best way to determine if pearls are real. An individual can test a pearl by using a magnifying glass. A real pearl will have a fine grained surface with minimal irregularies. A fake pearl will be flawless with a grainy surface.

How can you tell if you have real gold neckless?

You can tell if you have a real gold necklace by checking its hardness, luster, specific gravity, streak, cleavage, and fracture, if all the properties match with the properties of gold you have a gold necklace.

How can you tell if a pearl bracelet is made with real pearls?

There are a few ways to tell whether a pearl is real or not. One effective way to hold the pearls under a bright light and look at the color. It the colors on the pearl all equally match, it is most likely fake. If the pearls show a variation of color, they are most likely real.

What do you do with the pearl necklace dug up on Hotzeplotz isle on the game HorseIsle?

Do not sell it or wear it or you WILL go to prison isle. Simply tell his "liege" you found it and he will thank you for being honest and tell you to keep it. -AllySon *Roan*

Is a gold necklace real if the clasp says Korea?

Only way to tell is to have it tested because I found a necklace I said Korea stamped on it and it was 18K so u never no I love the people who think k its not cux i make a lot of money on them dumb asses

How do you test pearls?

This sounds odd, but if you put them in your mouth, you will be able to immediately tell if they are real or not, a real pearl is much the same at a tooth, in natural smoothness, a fake pearl will feel either plasticy or too smooth.

What does the mark netall mean on a pearl necklace?

Well this Q has really foxed me - I have a highly regarded friend who is a pearl jeweller who sources, buys and designs pearl necklaces from all over the world... and has done for years !! But she couldn't answer your question. Sorry ! Have you got the spelling right in your question - or tell us more ?