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Functional caecum

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Q: What micro-organisms digest cellulose in this modified part of the stomach?
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Why are ruminant able to digest cellulose?

Actually ruminants cannot digest cellulose, they have symbiotic bacteria in a part of their stomach called a "rumen" digest the cellulose down to sugars and starches that the ruminants can actually digest in another part of their stomach later.

How do termites and cows digest cellulose?

Inside the termites digestive tract, there is a symbotic microorganisms by the name of Trichonympha sphaerica who also has a symbiotic microorganism inside of it that digest the cellulose so that the termite can eat it. For cows it is the same they have symbiotic microorganisms inside of them that breaks down the cellulose but I am uncertain of the name.

What special organ helps a rabbit digest cellulose?

The organ that helps a rabbit to digest is stomach.

The Cecum contains microorganisms which digest cellulose.Why would the presence of these microorganisms be important in the process of digestion?

Herbivorous mammals don't secrete the enzymes required to digest cellulose. They sub-contract the work of cellulose digestion to guest bacteria. The bacteria are provided with a home and lots of food in exchange. Humans don't do this. We have no capacity to digest cellulose. The appendix is the remnant of the Caecum in the human.

How could scientists prove that it is microbes in the cow's stomach which are able to digest cellulose to glucose?

By taking a sample of fluid from the cows stomach, making a culture of microorganisms present there, placing the culture in a medium that contains cellulose, waiting, testing for glucose at intervals under conditions that are similar to the cow's body temperature, pH, etc.

Can ants digest cellulose?

Ants cannot digest cellulose. Termites can, but only because of symbiotic microorganisms in their digestive system. Termites are sometimes called white ants but they belong to a completely different insect order.

Why people dont eat things with very high levels of cellulose?

People cannot digest cellulose

What does the appendix has to do with inability to digest cellulose?

the appendix digest cellulose, but human appendix does not work.

Why is Trychonmpha important to termites?

no animal is capable of digesting cellulose which is a plant product. Why because no enzymes to digest the cellulose are present in the animals digestive system. So termites adopt the tryconympha in their digestive system. In us also, most of the plant material we eat is not digested. In animals like cows and buffaloes, the grass is soaked in the water in the stomach so as to make digestion of cellulose easy for microorganisms inside the intestine.

The caecum contains microorganisms which digest cellulose what can you conclude about the rat's diet from your observations of the alimentary tract and its associated structures?

The rat's diet can be inferred by the composition of microorganisms in its caecum. The associated structures are built to function based on its specific diet.

What type organisms digest cellulose in the intestinal tract of humans?

None. Humans can't digest cellulose. Bacteria in the large intestine can digest some cellulose, creating gas and vitamin K.

Digestive system of ruminants?

The digestive system of ruminants consists of four stomach.