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Q: What microchip was used in the Altair 8800?
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What Intel chip was used in the Altair?

ALTAIR 8800 was used first. Answered by Pradip, Hyderabad

How much was the Altair 8800?

The altair 8800 was sold for US$395 as a kit and US$495 as assembled.

When was the altair 8800 invented?

august 30,1975

When was the Altair 8800 made?

it was made in 1975

Who were the 2 men who invented the 8080 microprocessor based Altair in 1975?

The two men that designed the MITS Altair 8800 computer kit in 1975 were Ed Roberts and Forrest M. Mims III. The Altair 8800 used the Intel 8080 as it CPU. Roberts and Forrest did not invent the 8080 - Intel did - they simply used the 8080 in their product.

What was the altair 8800 and who was the inventor?

An assassin invented by Abstergo Industries.

What city was the altair computer invented in?

The MITS Altair 8800 was designed in Albuquerque, NM. I wouldn't say it was invented!

What was the name of the first computer made by Ed Roberts?

The Altair 8800.

What computer built in 1975 was named after an episode of Star Trek?

Altair 8800

What was the main complaint about the Altair 8800 personal computer?

Noise on the unterminated backplane signals.

Which year did Bill Gates invent a computer?

Never, he dropped out from Harvard, moved to NM, and wrote Altair BASIC for the MITS Altair 8800 kit.

What was the first home computer ever made?

The first personal home computer was the Altair 8800 which was produced in 1975 by Ed Roberts. The Altair 8800 could run thousands of CP/M software titles and also allow the user to play games such as Colossal Cave Adventure, Pong, Star Trek, and Zork. A user could also use the Altair 8800 to create spreadsheets, databases, and word processing documents.