

What microorgansim is the cause of ascariasis?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What microorgansim is the cause of ascariasis?
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Does the patient get fever when having ascariasis?

having ascariasis are parasites they use the food and water shown abnormalites hypo or hyper temperater

What is ascariasis?

An ascariasis is a disease of humans caused by the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides in humans and other species of Ascaris in other mammals.

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What is the causative organism of ascariasis?

The causative organism of ascariasis is Ascaris lumbricoides. it is an endoparasite of the small intestine of human beings but also infects pigs and cattles.

What is a microorgansim?

A very small organism......... they live everywhere: in your hair even in rocks on the earths crust!

What are the diseases caused by the helmenthics?

Ascariasis, bilharziasis, filariasis,hookworm and trichinosis are common forms of the disease.

Which roundworm infection has a significant mortality rate?

Ascariasis is the only roundworm infection with a significant mortality rate.

How do people get infected with ascariasis?

Ascariasis is caused by consuming food or drink contaminated with roundworm eggs. Ascariasis is the most common intestinal worm infection. It is found in association with poor personal hygiene, poor sanitation, and in places where human feces are used as fertilizer. Once consumed, the eggs hatch and release immature roundworms called larvae within the intestine. The larvae then move through the bloodstream to the lungs, exit up through the large airways of the lungs, and are swallowed back into the stomach and intestines. During movement through the lungs the larvae may produce an uncommon form of pneumonia called eosinophilic pneumonia. Once they are back in the intestines, the larvae mature into adult roundworms. Adult worms live in the intestine where they lay eggs that are present in feces. It is estimated that 1 billion people are infected worldwide. Ascariasis occurs in people of all ages, though children are affected more severely than adults.

What are the diseases and caused by ascaris lumbricoides?

Ascaris lumbricoides is an intestinal roundworm. During the larval stage, it may cause respiratory symptoms and later, intestinal symptoms may include abdominal discomfort, anorexia, nausea and diarrhea.

Is ascariasis a waterborne disease?

Ascaris is due to fecal-oral contact. So it is either food or water that have been contaminated by fecal material.