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You might learn that something of some sort as being put together wrong or matched. It also differentiate what needed to change and tells you little more about the problem.

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Q: What might be learned from an incorrect hypothesis?
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What do you do if your hypothesis is incorrect?

just admit you were wrong, and start over, because a hypothesis is what you think might happen

What are the steps of a scientific investigation?

First you need a purpose. The purpose should start with the purpose if my investigation is. Next is the hypothesis. The hypothesis has to have if, then, and because. Then is your materials and procedure. After that, you have to collect the data. Then there is the anaylisis. The anaylisis has to have I learned that. Finally, there is the conclusion. It has to have four sentences. I learned that, my hypothesis was..., my hypothesis was correct or incorrect, and next time I will.

Why do you test a hypothesis?

to see if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.

How can finding out that a hypothsis is not correct be useful for a scientist?

Hypotheses are based on theories. If a hypothesis seems incorrect then a scientist knows that she has been mistaken about her understanding of the theory, and that's why she formed the wrong hypothesis to test. Or it might be that she has learned that there are new conditions under which the theory does not hold, and that the theory must be refined. Both of these are useful to scientists.

What you do to a hypothesis docent NT work?

say that your hypothesis is incorrect in your conclusion

Does a hypothesis sum up what was learned from an experiment?

No, the hypothesis is the question about the experiment. The conclusion is the sum up of what was learned from an experiment.

How can data not support your hypothesis?

If your hypothesis is totally incorrect then it is quite likely that the data will not support it.

What would be the best thing to do if you run an experiment and find out the hypothesis is incorrect?

Reject the hypothesis.

How do scientists decide whether or not to reject or accept a hypothesis?

if the hypothesis is proven to be correct or incorrect

What is nulear?

It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".It might be an incorrect spelling of "nuclear".

Is the statement 'When a hypothesis is tested and shown to be incorrect the experiment is a failure' true or false?

False, your hypothesis has fallacies.

What was the reason wegeners continental drift hypothesis was rejected?

His evidence was incorrect.