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They expect to see earth's crust change.

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Q: What might geologist expect to see after a earth-quake?
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How do geologist locate the epicenter of an earthquake?

This job would normally be undertaken by a type of geophysicist known as a seismologist rather than a geologist. For information on how seismologists locate seismic waves, see the related question.

What might you see after an 8.6 earthquake?

falling buildings (possibly)

What kind of weather would you expect if you see clouds in the sky?

You might expect a rainy or foggy day.

Can you see an earthquake on land from the water?

It would have to be a very strong earthquake for you to see the land moving. If the earthquake is strong, building may fall down, dust may rise, lampposts will rock, rocks may tumble, so that is what you might see.

What might you expect to see as prompts for writing a personal statement.?

.All of the above.

Is 3.6 strong earthquake?

No, you are just likely to notice it (e.g. if you have a chandelier you might see it swaying).

Where might you expect to see an abandoned acropolis?

you ca find one in Athens Greece

What might you expect to see when you look at embryos from lions and house cats?

punnett square

Does a geologist test water in Antarctica?

Yes, geologists in Antarctica may test water as part of their research to understand the geology, hydrology, and environmental conditions in the region. Testing water samples can provide valuable information on factors such as ice melt, mineral content, and potential impact of climate change on Antarctic ecosystems.

When a video on YouTube is titled 'Bangla Guru' what might one expect to see when watching it?

One might expect to see a music video. It turns out it is a video that contains music with a stationary photograph of a woman along with an email address. The music and woman sound like they come from India.

How is it before and after an earthquake tsunami?

It Is horrible. You might see furniture and cars and boats in the ocean. Water will be surrounding you. The building probably collapsed.

Name two places you might expect to see heavy cloud cover and why?

Jarad's house over a pond