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Q: What might happen if an organism with type III survivorship were introduced into a new environment with no predators?
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When an organism is first introduced into an ecosystem and has no predators what will it do?

the animals will eventually die

What problem may arise when an organism is imported into a new environment?

There may be no predators to control its numbers (page 866)

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Which organism does the most damage to the envirement?

Domesticated farm animals, feral goats and introduced species do the most damage to the environment.

What is autecology?

This studies the interaction of an organism or species with its environment:a multidimensional description of the total environment and way of life of an organismincludes physical, chemical, biological (food source and predators/competitors), behavioral (including social organization) factorsthe environment where an organism lives.

What is the difference between an organism's niche and habitat?

A habitat is the environment in which the organism lives, whereas a niche is the role the organism play in its environment. Let's look at the Pinon Jay as an example. Its habitat is the Pinon-Juniper woodlands, whereas its niche is the consumption of pinion nuts, spreading the nuts, spreading nutrients through its droppings, and being preyed on by various predators etc.

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If you are an organism that is anchored to the ground, you cannot flee from predators, move in response to changes in your environment, etc...

Does the organism influence the environment or does the environment influence the organism?

both, but the environment influences the organism more. this causes the organism to change and they start to influence the environment a.k.a THEY ADAPT

What types of organism exhibit a type 2 survivorship curve?

Seagulls and other birds

The environment in which an organism lives is called?

The environment in which an organism lives is its habitat.

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A single organism in an environment called?

A single organism in an environment is called an individual