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Wheezing IS a sign of distress. Rabbits shouldn't make any noise when they breathe.

If your rabbit is breathing through its mouth (rather than its nose), that is also a very serious sign of distress (even if it isn't wheezing or making noise).

Wheezing or any sign of difficulty breathing could indicate a respiratory infection, or an injury or obstruction of some kind.

It's a good idea to bring your rabbit to your vet the moment you notice something is wrong. The thing about bunnies is that when they aren't feeling well (for any reason), they can deteriorate really quickly -- more than cats, dogs, and humans, for instance.

If you don't have a vet already, make sure you find one who has experience with rabbits. The House Rabbit Society website has some good info and vet listings if you need help with that. It's really important to find a rabbit-savvy vet because most vets don't know about how to treat them. For example, I've heard of vets putting pet rabbits down for having "snuffles," but that's just an upper respiratory infection and can usually be treated with a dose of antibiotics.

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Q: What might it mean if your rabbit is wheezing but showing no signs of distress?
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