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Archaeological remains, primarily, but specific aspects may need other skills in, for example, such as Biology. Also historical records left by the Spanish who were the first Europeans to arrive in the region, though their accounts would have to be treated with due caution.

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Scientist have learned that the region suffered from a long dry period and droughts for about 150 years.

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Scientists might study the artifacts or any writing on walls or tablets or on something the Mayans used to write on. This may help scientists to recover the past.

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Q: What might scientist study to find out about the end of Maya civilization?
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What might scientist study to find out the end of Maya civilization?

Scientist have learned that the region suffered from a long dry period and droughts for about 150 years.

How might scientist study to find out about the end of Maya civilization?

Scientists study the end of the Maya civilization through archaeological digs, analysis of ancient artifacts, examination of written records, and research on environmental factors like climate change and drought. By combining these methods, researchers can piece together a more comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to the decline of the Maya civilization.

What might of happened if Maya cities had stopped warring with one another?

maya civilization might not have collapsed in the 1900s

Were Maya a civilization?

yes it was an civilization

What might have happened if the Maya civilization had continued into the present day?

If it has been present this day then we would not be alive.

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Maya civilization

Can i see the civilization Maya?

no you can not

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Why do we know more about the Aztec than the Maya?

The Maya civilization fell much sooner than Aztec civilization.

What happened to the Maya civization in 900s?

the Maya civilization began to collapse

What might you find on a Maya monument?

On a Maya monument, you might find intricate carvings depicting historical events, rulers, battles, and religious ceremonies. These monuments often include hieroglyphic inscriptions that provide valuable information about Maya civilization, such as genealogy and calendrical records. Additionally, Maya monuments could feature images of gods, sacred animals, and celestial symbols.

Why do we know more about the Maya civilizations than about olmec civilizations?

the maya civilization fell sooner than aztec civilization