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Someone may clap, smile, close eyes, hum, tap foot, or cry to show they are enjoying the music.

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Q: What might someone at the symphony do that tells you they are enjoying the music?
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Related questions

Where can someone find a list of composers for a symphony?

Someone could find a list of composers for a symphony online on Wikipedia. They could also go to a local library music museum and research there for information.

What is a neoclassical symphony?

a neoclassical symphony is a symphony from the neoclassical era between romantic and 20c music.

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Where can you get sheet music for ninth symphony no 4?

It's either has to be the 9th Symphony or the Symphony No. 4 ... unlikely to be both.

What is a neoclassical?

a neoclassical symphony is a symphony from the neoclassical era between romantic and 20c music.

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Bittersweet symphony im not sure for the spelling but it might be what you are searching for.

What is a symphony or tome?

* A 'tome' is: A published composition or work (doesn't have to be music related). * A 'symphony' is: A music work comprised of three or more movements.

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The Surprise Symphony

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symphony orchestra

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String Quintet (plus piano). I think you meant "like a symphony orchestra". A symphony is a piece of music, not a musical combo.

Who started symphony music?

Caitlin packard. and 50 Cent

Classical music for everyone?

Try Beethoven's 6th Symphony.