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The original options for this question were cleavage, luster and hardness. The answer would be cleavage.

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no i cant can you STUPID

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Q: What mineral breaks into small sheets?
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What is the mineral with Crystal that breaks and two flat sheets?


What mineral separates into sheets?

Many minerals separate into sheets. If the mineral has cleavage than it is common for it to separate into sheets. Mica separates into sheets.

What is the mineral with crystals that breaks into flat sheets?

Mica is crystalline and forms layers.

Why does the mineral mica breaks evenly along flat sheets?

Mica has a unique layered crystal structure that contains weak bonds between the layers. When stress is applied, these weak bonds allow the mineral to cleave easily along the flat planes, resulting in even breakage.

The mineral mica breaks evenly along flat sheets mainly because of its?

The mineral mica breaks evenly along flat sheets mainly because of its perfect basal cleavage, which is a result of its crystal structure. This cleavage allows mica to easily separate into thin, flat sheets when broken or cut.

What type of fracture is it when a mineral splits evenly?

A mineral that splits evenly along flat surfaces is said to have a cleavage fracture. Cleavage occurs when a mineral breaks along weak atomic planes due to the internal atomic structure and bonding of the mineral.

A mineral that breaks into jagged pieces exhibits this property?

A mineral that breaks into jagged pieces exhibits fracture.

What is a shiny mineral that occurs in sheets?

Mica is a shiny mineral that occurs in sheets. It is composed of thin, flat sheets that can easily be peeled apart. Mica is commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Does you rock break into small uneven pleces or regularly shaped pleces into min sheets?

It breaks up into small, un even pieces. A rock is not perfectly shaped that's why.

What mineral has something that splits into thin sheets?

Mica is made up of sheets of silicate

A shiny mineral that occurs in sheets?

The mineral you are referring to is likely mica, which is known for its characteristic shiny appearance in sheets or layers. Mica is a silicate mineral that is commonly used in arts and crafts, as well as in the electrical and cosmetic industries.

Its a mineral that contains Calcium carbonate and breaks into rhombs?

The mineral is calcite. It is a form of calcium carbonate that typically breaks into rhombohedral-shaped crystals. Calcite is a common mineral in various geological settings and has many industrial uses.